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Rashbi / The Eleventh Commandment

The Eleventh Commandment

‎244) The eleventh commandment is to give tithing [10% of the produce, Maaser] from the land. ‎There are two commandments here: to give tithing from the land, and to bring the first fruits of ‎the tree. It is written about the tithing from the land that was permitted to Adam HaRishon, ‎‎“Every plant yielding seed,” and about the first fruit of the tree that was permitted to Adam ‎HaRishon, it is written, “And every tree which has fruit yielding seed.” Why do these verses ‎obligate us to give tithing and the first fruit, to give to the Creator and to not eat them, which is ‎the opposite of the meaning?‎

Eating is sorting of the holy sparks out of the shells. Through eating, the holy sparks in the food ‎connect to man’s soul into a flesh of his flesh, and the waste in the food comes out of his body. ‎Finally, during one’s life, he collects all the holy sparks related to the completion of man’s soul, ‎without which his completeness would be deficient. It is written in The Zohar that Adam ‎HaRishon was not permitted to eat meat, as it is written, “Behold, I have given you every plant ‎yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, ...it shall be food for you,” and nothing more ‎than that, no meat.‎

However, when he sinned and the evil inclination was absorbed in his body, Noah was told, “As ‎the green plant, I have given you all, even meat.” Adam HaRishon was born complete. All the ‎needed wholeness was already created in him, with respect to animals, as it is written, “Out of ‎the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the sky, and brought ‎them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called a living creature, ‎that was its name.”‎

In other words, he fully attained each of the animals’ names because they were sorted out for ‎him in full. Hence, he was not given animals for sorting through eating, as they were already ‎sorted for him by the Emanator. Only the still and the vegetative were lacking scrutiny, hence ‎he was given only the yield of the land to eat and to sort, to collect the holy sparks out of them, ‎which were needed to complete him.‎

But after the sin of the tree of knowledge, all the scrutinies were corrupted once more, and as ‎the organs of his soul fell into the shells, all the animals were corrupted along with him and had ‎to be sorted out once more. This is why Noah was also given animals to eat and to sort out, as ‎well as the generations following him.‎

Adam HaRishon was created in the image of God, which are the Mochin in the four portions of ‎the Tefillin, and they are his soul. However, after he was born in this holy Neshama [soul], ‎through good deeds he was rewarded with scrutinizing and raising MAN, obtaining Haya, and ‎afterwards, on the Sabbath day, with Yechida, as well, since the upper brightness was lost only ‎after the Sabbath. Thus, he was permitted the tithing and the first fruit. Moreover, through ‎eating the tithing and the first fruit, he was rewarded with scrutiny and raising MAN until he ‎was rewarded with Haya and Yechida.‎

However, after the sin of the tree of knowledge, when all the scrutinies were corrupted once ‎again and the evil inclination was absorbed in the Guf [body], the tithing and the first fruit were ‎forbidden for us due to the evil inclination within us, for fear that we would blemish the upper ‎holiness in them. Instead, we must give them to the priests and the Levites. When we keep these ‎commandments of tithing and first fruit as we are commanded, we will have the strength to ‎raise MAN and to extend Mochin of Haya on the Sabbath day, as Adam HaRishon extended ‎through his eating of the tithing and the first fruit by himself.‎

This is the eleventh commandment, to tithe the tithing of the land, since once we have drawn ‎the light of Neshama by wearing Tefillin, we must raise MAN through the two commandments ‎of tithing and first fruit to draw Mochin of Haya. It follows that Adam HaRishon extended ‎Mochin of Haya by eating the tithing and the first fruit by himself, but we, who are not ‎permitted to eat them due to the evil inclination in our Guf, were given the commandment of ‎giving them to the priests and the Levites instead. By that, we, too, were given the strength to ‎draw those Mochin. The text brings evidence that the writing speaks specifically of tithing and ‎first fruit because it is written, “I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface ‎of all the earth.” It is also written, “To the sons of Levi, behold, I have given all the tithe in ‎Israel.” And as there it concerns the tithing, so in Adam HaRishon it concerns the tithing. We ‎also learn it from the verse “Thus, all the tithe of the land, of the seed of the land or of the fruit ‎of the tree, is the Lord's.”‎